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Expressions 7th Grade Unit



Alex Brown • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

I'm not able to get to assessment it keeps saying Account Approval Pending: Some features of this site may not be available until your account has been approved.

Audra Crist • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Dear Alex Brown, Thank you for your comment. I found your registration. Before we can approve your registration, we must confirm your status as a current teacher since an upgraded registration will give you access to assessments. Your registration must also include your school email address. We try to verify teacher status in several ways. One is to check the school's website. We did not find your name on the school's website, so it will help us to complete this process more quickly if you can provide proof of current employment via email: info@njctl.org. Proof of employment can be in the form of a current school ID, pay stub, signed contract, etc. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you! Kind regards, Audra

Jim Switcher • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

I was thinking it would be really kewl if the standards were included with each topic in the Lesson Plan spreadsheet. For example from the Lesson Plan Spreadsheet: Topic #1: Order of Operations: 7.NS.1, 7.NS.2 Or, maybe create a "Standards" column between the "Topics" Column and the "Timeframe" columns where the standards that correlate with each topic can be included. Just a thought for the next time you are updating.

Audra Crist • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Dear Jim Switcher, Thank you for your comment. I'll share your recommendation with the curriculum development team. Look for updates made to these files. Kind regards, Audra

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