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Scientific Notation File


vickie pfeiffer • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Hi- I just did the activity on slide 33 of this unit. I seems as though someone (possibly a student) tried to edit some of the questions. Thank you

Audra Crist • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Dear Vickie Pfeiffer, Thank you for your comment. Slides 32 & 33 of the 1 slide per page PDF file are the same, with the solution being provided on the next slide (i.e. slide 33). On instruction slides, we've started to remove the pull tabs with solutions and place them on the next slide, similar to an online textbook. If you would like to "print" or "save a copy" of this file without the solutions showing, you can do so by selecting the File -> Print -> Print (or Save As) PDF, and select which slides you would like to have appear in this new file. Please let me know if more information is needed, or if any questions arise. If it's easier, I can also be reached via email: audra@njctl.org. Kind regards, Audra

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