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Mar 09, 2020

NJCTL & CSU-Global Announcement

NJCTL’s partnership and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CSU-Global will end on May 1, 2020. 

It is the intention of NJCTL and CSU-Global that there be a seamless transition with no impact for all teachers who will have completed or are still enrolled in an NJCTL course or program on or before May 1.  

Teachers who previously completed NJCTL courses or programs will be allowed to transfer them to CSU-Global for collegiate credit towards the CSU-Global MSTL program, and/or have the option to have the courses transcribed for collegiate credit on a CSU Global transcript*, under the terms and conditions that were in effect when they began their NJCTL coursework.

Teachers who are enrolled in NJCTL courses or programs on or before May 1 will be allowed to complete their NJCTL coursework after May 1 and then transfer them to CSU-Global for collegiate credit towards the CSU-Global MSTL program, and/or have the option to have the courses transcribed for collegiate credit on a CSU Global transcript*, under the terms and conditions that were in effect when they began their NJCTL coursework.

After May 1 (midnight MT), teachers who enroll in NJCTL courses or programs will not be eligible to transfer coursework to CSU-Global for credits towards the CSU-Global MSTL program.

If you have any questions, please contact the registrar at NJCTL (registrar@njctl.org) or the registrar at CSU-Global (registrar@csuglobal.edu)


*Transcript costs can be found on CSU Global’s website and in its Student Catalog and is subject to change at the university’s discretion. In no way and under no circumstances does CSU Global warranty transferability of the articulated credit to any other institution of higher education or organization.

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