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Numbers, Operations and Expressions Algebra 1 File


Ruzanna Davtyan • 4 years, 5 months agologin to reply

I cannot open the presentations? What do I need to do for that?

Audra Crist • 4 years, 5 months agologin to reply

Dear Ruzanna Davtyan, Thank you for your comment. The presentation files are available as SMART Notebook & PDF files. The SMART Notebook files can be opened with an interactive software program such as SMART Notebook, Promethean ActivInspire & MimioStudio. Do you have one of these programs? If so which one? If not, a free version of SMART Notebook can be downloaded for free using the link below: https://njctl.org/notebook/ Kind regards, Audra

Valerie Militello (NJ K12 MATH-E 21-22) • 3 years, 7 months agologin to reply

Hi Audra, I am taking the NJCTL Algebra Class now to get k-12 cert. I noticed that you have made the presentations into videos for our courses. Will these be added to the Teaching Materials or are they available somewhere else like Youtube? Valerie Militello

Audra Crist • 3 years, 7 months agologin to reply

Dear Valerie, Thank you for your comment. The videos have been embedded into the presentations of this course. After downloading an updated copy of the presentation, look for the QR codes & video URLs in the bottom left corner of the slides. I’ll resend this message to you via email with screenshots, to help with the explanation. Kind regards, Audra

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