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Momentum Presentation File


Matthew Reischer • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

This is a really nice, coherent presentation. Thank you! Few minor things. The vector arrows are great up to the section on Problem Solving Techniques, then the arrowheads disappear. Sometimes the MC questions show a few letters (ABCDE). In the airbag section there is a throwaway comment about pressure. It is interesting, but confusing to introduce at this point.

Melissa Axelsson • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Matthew - thank you for pointing out the error with the arrowheads - they are now fixed in the new PDF that is posted. I see what you mean about the letters for the MC questions - and unfortunately we can't figure out a way to correct that on the PDF. I have the Physics team looking into your comment about the airbag section. - Melissa

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