Matthew Reischer • 3 years, 10 months ago
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Slide 77 has a typo.
The problem states 2.3 m/s
The solution uses 2.5 m/s
Also, the arrowheads are missing on the pdf.
This is getting much better on the other pdf's I have downloaded this year, so thank you for that!
Melissa Axelsson • 3 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks for the feedback. The slide has been changed. I also found a few more arrowheads to be corrected.
Amany Bekheit (Classes Only - PHYS) • 3 years, 1 month ago
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For the block and the loop problem, to calculate Fn at the top we have to use the v loop, but there is a typo and the velocity in the equation is the v bottom of the loop.
Amany, thanks for your comment. We were trying to point out the similarity of the equation between v loop and v bottom by showing they both use a square root and a height. But, the height is different between v loop and v bottom, and hence, a different velocity.
So, we show v bottom, but then talk about replacing h by h minus 2 r loop.
I hope that makes it a little clearer. John