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Dynamics Free Response File


Katherine Boutin • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Are the solutions still available for #1? Thank you!

John Ennis • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Katherine, absolutely, I'll email it to you. John

Andrew Sturm • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Hello John, Is it possible to get solutions for these? Thank you!

John Ennis • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

sending now! John

Gina Kroner • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Can I get a copy of the solutions, please? Thank you-

John Ennis • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

sending now! John

Catherine Harold • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Could I get a copy of the worked solution to number 1 and number 12 please? Thank you!

John Ennis • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

sending now, John

Scott Boucher • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Is there a document with all the problems worked out?

Brandon Dailey • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply

John, like most others I too would like a copy of a worked out 1 C and D

John Ennis • 4 years, 4 months agologin to reply


John Jarvis • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Hi John, could I also have a copy of the worked solutions? Thank you!

Melissa Axelsson • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

John - we don't post the worked out solutions - if you have a question about a problem or two we can work those out and send those to you. - Melissa

John Jarvis • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Okay - sorry about that. Could I get some help with 1c and 1d? Thank you.

John Ennis • 4 years, 3 months agologin to reply

John, I'll send it to you. And if you look at the new free response set, I moved this problem to the end - it was scaring too many students.

Michelle Adams • 4 years, 2 months agologin to reply

Can I see the worked solution for 11d? Thank you.

John Ennis • 4 years, 2 months agologin to reply

I sent it to your email. John

John Jarvis • 3 years, 4 months agologin to reply

Can I see the worked solution for 11d? Thank you.

John Ennis • 3 years, 4 months agologin to reply

John, I'm emailing it to you now. John

Michelle Beach • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Hiya! Can I get some help on #3 (worked out solution?). I do not understand the diagram so I am struggling to get started. Thanks!

John Ennis • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Michelle, I'll send it to your email. John

Jorge Huizar • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Hello, would it be possible for me to also get worked out solutions to this problem set? Thanks!

John Ennis • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Jorge, we don't send out the complete set - but if you have questions on some of them, I can send them to you. John

Jorge Huizar • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

I am in the same boat with Michelle, up above. I can not get the final answers you got for #3, thanks in advance. 👍

John Ennis • 3 years, 3 months agologin to reply

Jorge, sending it now. John

Rich Chomko • 3 years, 2 months agologin to reply

Hi, could I get solutions to #14 and #3? For 14, I do not see why it is M+m and not just m on c/d. Thank you!

John Ennis • 3 years, 2 months agologin to reply

Rich, I'm sending the solutions now. For #14, we added the two simultaneous equations - the first one describing the forces on m and the second one describing the forces on M. The acceleration that M feels is a combination of the rope accelerating down (a sub b) and M accelerating down the rope at (a). When the two equations are added, that gives us an Ma that adds to a sub b, resulting in the M + m term. John

Jane Siebert • 3 years agologin to reply

Hello, could I get solutions for #3, #6 and #7? Thanks!

John Ennis • 3 years agologin to reply

Jane, I'll email them to you. John

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